2024 MBP Virtual Open House Research Posters

Prospective students talking to MBP students and Faculty at Open House

Welcome to the 2024 Medical Biophysics Virtual Open House online research poster display. Virtual posters are displayed on a platform called VoiceThread.

Below you will find links to the research posters, divided by research theme.

Some labs have included a voice-over description with their poster which can be accessed by clicking the square icon that appears to the left of the poster. Also, some labs have included a poster under more than one research theme and some of the poster presentations contain multiple slides.

Please note: According to VoiceThread.com, the site has been ‘optimized for best use in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. If one browser doesn’t work, please try the other’. Also, the site reminds users to‘update to the latest version of your browser’ for optimal usage if you experience difficulties in using either of the optimized browsers with their site.

Enjoy exploring the posters. If you have any questions regarding any of the research outlined in the posters, please contact the individual labs (contact information can be found in the individual profiles for contributing faculty, linked below under 'Labs Contributing Posters to the 2024 MBP VIrtual Open House').

Labs Contributing Posters to the MBP Virtual Open House

The posters showcased represent a portion of the outstanding research being performed by our fantastic faculty.

The Department sincerely thanks the following MBP labs for contributing a poster to the MBP Virtual Open House: