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Frequently-Asked Admissions Questions

Below you will find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions related to Medical Biophysics graduate program admissions, including questions about how to apply and first year lab rotations.
How do I apply?
You can submit your application through the University of Toronto’s School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Online Application. Once all components of your application have been received, your application will be processed.
A complete application should include:
- a letter of intent
- two letters of reference
- your resume or curriculum vitae
- official transcripts and if applicable
- TOEFL test scores (if applicable)
Please see the How To Apply page for more information on the application process.
Can my application fee be waived?
The application fee required by University of Toronto's School of Graduate Studies is mandatory and non-refundable.
What are the essentials of a strong application?
A strong application combines the following:
- A minimum average of B+ in the final two years of studies. This guideline is flexible, particularly for applicants demonstrating exceptional aptitude for research.
- Strong reference letters. Choose referees who can comment knowledgeably on your academic performance and aptitude for research.
- Clear communication in your letter of intent of research interests and aspirations, academic achievements and research experience.
- Previous experience in research is certainly an asset, but is not required.
For detailed information on what the MBP Admissions Committee is looking for when evaluating application components, please refer to the Admission Requirements and Deadlines page under the heading 'Application Components and Evaluation Criteria'.
Am I required to find a supervisor before I submit the application?
It is not necessary to have a supervisor prior to applying to the program. Eligible applications are circulated to faculty members who are recruiting for potential graduate students. Students have an opportunity to rotate through several labs before making their final choice.
Please note that Interntional MSc students are the one exception to lab rotation participation. Due to tuition fee differentials, International students applying to the MSc program are exempt from rotations and are required to secure a supervisor before applying to the program. For further details, please review the information for International applicants.
If a faculty member offers me a position in his/her laboratory, am I accepted into the program?
No. All future Medical Biophysics graduate students must complete the official SGS Online Admissions Application, and your application will be evaulated by the Admissions Committee. Interviewed applicants will be notified of their status following the interview.
Do you offer a stipend?
Yes. All students in the MSc and PhD program receive a yearly stipend. Information on current program fees and stipends can be found here.
If you receive a competitive scholarship (NSERC, CIHR, etc.), the department provides a ‘top-up’ of $4,000 above the minimum stipend. Success in competitive scholarships can result in substantial increase of your stipend.
How many students are accepted each year?
Generally, 40 students are accepted into the program. Please note, however, that each application is evaluated on its own merit; the Department does not process applications on the basis of a quota.
How many students are currently in the program?
There are currently approximately 220 graduate students in Medical Biophysics.
What is the average time to finish the graduate degree?
Approximately 2.5 years for the MSc degree, and approximately 5-6 years for the PhD degree.
Can I be accepted directly into the PhD program from undergrad?
Domestic Students: If you have an undergraduate degree and have not been enrolled in a master's program, we generally would consider you for entry into the MSc program. Once in the program, you could reclassify (transfer) into the PhD program. Pleae note that only students with a minimum A- average, who demonstrate a high aptitude for research would be considered for direct entry. Direct entry PhD students are required to pass a qualifying exam within the first 18 months of enrollment.
International Students: The Department encourages all International students to apply directly to the PhD program. Due to tuition fee differentials, International students applying to the MSc program will be exempt from lab rotations and will be required to secure a supervisor before applying to the program. Please note that all students accepted directly into the PhD program must pass a qualifying exam within 18 months of registration.
If I apply for the PhD program and my application is declined, will I automatically be considered for the MSc program.
You will only be considered for the program you have applied for.
In the case that a student's overall GPA does not meet the minimum requirements for the PhD program, but it meets the requirements for the MSc program, you would be encouraged to apply for consideration to the MSc program.
How can I find out the status of my application?
Applicants should periodically login to the School of Graduate Studies online application system to check the status of any outstanding documents such as transcripts and reference letters. Your application will only be reviewed once all components of your application have been received. Please email us, or call (416) 634-8751.
What are rotations?
On entry to the Department, students rotate through three labs in order to find the best student-supervisor “fit”.
Can I opt out of rotations?
All newly-admitted Medical Biophysics Masters and PhD students are required to participate in rotations.
Please note that Interntional MSc students are the one exception to lab rotation participation. Due to tuition fee differentials, International students applying to the MSc program are exempt from rotations and are required to secure a supervisor before starting in the program. For further details, please review the information for International applicants.
Can I choose which labs I rotate through?
Yes, you will have an opportunity to specify labs of your choice if you are offered admission. Students can specify their interest in working with particular faculty members in their letter of intent.
I would like to work with a specific faculty member. Am I required to participate in rotations?
Yes. When you are admitted, you can specifiy this faculty member as your first choice for a rotation. After completing your three rotations, you may join this lab if the supervisor agrees to recruit you.
In our experience, almost half of the students with a specific lab in mind on arrival choose a different lab.
How long do the rotations last?
There are three rotations, each lasting 3 weeks, beginning in September and ending in December.
For specific rotation dates, please visit the Important Dates and Deadlines page under the heading 'Dates and Deadlines for Rotations Students'.
What if I am offered a position before I am finished all three rotations?
You cannot accept a position in any lab until you have completed all three rotations. Even if you have already determined which lab you want to work in before the end of the 3rd rotation, we ask that you complete all three rotations before you inform us of your choice.
What if I do not want to work in any of the three labs I rotated through?
There is the possibility of completing a final rotation in a fourth lab. If you participate in a fourth rotation, this would become your permanent lab.
What if none of the labs I rotated through agree to recruit me?
You would complete a fourth rotation and then continue in that lab permanently. If the fourth rotation does not result in a succesful lab placement, your offer of admission will be withdrawn. This is rare and generally only occurs if unusual issues become apparent with a student.
Do I receive a stipend during rotations?
Yes, you will receive a full stipend during rotations. Information on stipends and funding can be found here.
Can I take up a summer position with one of the rotation supervisors?
If you are accepted to MBP, you can be employed as a summer student during the summer but you must still participate in rotations.