Mar 16, 2021

New Publication from Dr. Anastasia Tikhonova

Dr. Anastasia Tikhonova

Photo of Dr. Anastasia TikhonovaMBP researcher Dr. Anastasia Tikhonova and research collaborators have published a new Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology article entitled ‘Connecting the Dots: Resolving the Bone Marrow Niche Heterogeneity’.

Article Abstract
'Single-cell sequencing approaches have transformed our understanding of stem cell systems, including hematopoiesis and its niche within the bone marrow. Recent reports examined the bone marrow microenvironment at single-cell resolution at steady state, following chemotherapy treatment, leukemic onset, and aging. These rapid advancements significantly informed our understanding of bone marrow niche heterogeneity. However, inconsistent representation and nomenclature among the studies hinder a comprehensive interpretation of this body of work. Here, we review recent reports interrogating bone marrow niche architecture and present an integrated overview of the published datasets.'

View the article on the Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology website.