The Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) has included two MBP faculty members in the election of 74 new Fellows for 2021.
Selected from a pool of 134 nominations across all health sciences disciplines, MBP scientists Dr. Aaron Schimmer and Dr. Ming-Sound Tsao were recognized by the CAHS for their dedication and excellence in their field.
Election to Fellowship in the Academy is considered one of the highest honours within the Canadian health sciences community and carries with it a comittment to serve the Academy and the future well-being of the health sciences irrespective of the Fellow’s specific discipline.
“Becoming a member of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences recognizes Fellows’ dedication to health sciences,” says Dr. Chris Simpson, President, CAHS. “We are proud of their accomplishments and we are honoured to welcome them to the Canadian Academy of Heath Sciences.”
Please join the Department in congratulating Dr. Schimmer and Dr. Tsao on this outstanding achievement.