Feb 18, 2022

MBP Researchers Awarded Canada Research Chairs

Drs de Carvalho, Kislinger and Rubinstein

Several MBP researchers have been awarded Canada Research Chairs by the Government of Canada. Dr. Thomas Kislinger has been named as a new Research Chair, and Dr. Daniel de Carvalho and Dr. John Rubinstein have had their Canada Research Chairs renewed.

The Canada Research Chairs Program reinforces and recognizes academic research and training excellence in Canadian postsecondary institutions. Chairholders aim to achieve research excellence in engineering and the natural sciences, health sciences, humanities, and social sciences.

Dr. de Carvalho, a renewed tier two Chair, is recognized for his research into how behaviours and environments can change the way our genes work without altering our DNA sequences. As Canada Research Chair in Cancer Epigenetics and Epigenetic Therapy, Dr. Daniel De Carvalho is studying epigenetics to develop new strategies for detecting, monitoring and treating cancer, with a particular focus on colorectal cancer.

Dr. Kislinger, a new tier one Chair, is recognized by the Government of Canada as a world leader in clinical proteomics who is advancing Canada’s position as a leader in precision cancer medicine. Funding from this Chair will enable his team to further develop anticancer therapies that can be tailored to individual patients. 

Dr. Rubinstein, a renewed tier one Chair, is recognized for his work in Electron cryomicroscopy (cryo-EM), a technique in structural biology that uses electrons to study samples that have been frozen at cryogenic temperatures. As Canada Research Chair in Electron Cryomicroscopy, Dr. John Rubinstein aims to develop tools to expand the capabilities of cryo-EM.

Please join the Department in congratulating Dr. Kislinger, Dr. de Carvalho and Dr. Rubinstein for these outstanding achievements.

Learn more about Dr. de Carvalho’s Research Chair.

Learn more about Dr. Kislinger’s Canada Research Chair

Learn more about Dr. Rubinstein’s Research Chair.